Christmas 2024

St Peter’s is a relaxed, friendly church for all ages in the Westfield and its surrounding area of Yeovil. We believe in helping people to encounter God, to live out their Christian faith in daily life, and to serve and bless our community.
Our sister church St James’ serves the Preston Plucknett area of Yeovil.
We hope you enjoy browsing this site and find what you’re looking for. Please use the ‘contacts’ links if you want to know any more. Or come along to one of our services, we’d love to see you!
Westfield Hub
The Community Centre and Church are now open as a ‘hub’, with affordable hot food and an extended lounge area offering somewhere comfortable and welcoming.

The Parish Office (located at St James’ Church) is open 8.30-4.30 Tuesdays & Thursdays in termtime. Office hours in school holidays may vary – see latest notice sheet.

Click on the link or search for St James and St Peters on YouTube to join us for our live services every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. or to catch up on recent services and webcasts.
If you’d like to get married at St Peter’s, please do contact us.
Baptism/Christenings are permitted – again please do contact us if you’d like to explore this for you or for your children.
Sunday worship is broadcast here at 10.30 a.m. every Sunday, please do join us!
We celebrated the official opening of the new St Peter’s Community Centre on Saturday 5th October 2019. This is a wonderful new facility for the Westfield Community. To find out more about it, go here

St Peter’s Church, Coronation Avenue, Yeovil BA21 3DY
To contact us or for directions, please go here.